How to Become a Copywriter – Ultimate Guide


Cool, you want to be a copywriter. You have an affinity for playing with words, spinning yarns, and get a real thrill from seeing your byline in print (or web font, as it were).

As someone who’s been in the game for a while now, I’m here to tell you that it’s not as easy as it looks—but it’s also not as hard as you might think. And I’m here to tell you exactly how to become a copywriter.

Before we start – I’m not here to teach you how to become a millionaire. Let’s keep it real; as a copywriter, you can make GOOD money, but becoming making 6 or 7 figures a year out of content writing alone isn’t realistic just yet.

If you’re here, it’s because you’re starting out or want to improve your basic skills. And this is what I’ll go through in this guide – everything you have to know to become a copywriter and make a decent living online.

The 6 and 7-figure part of the business is reserved for another guide.

With that in mind, calling all the aspiring writers – let’s get started; this is going to be a long, detailed guide.

How To Become A Copywriter, how to be a copywriter, copywriting tips, copywriting career, copywriting skills, copywriter salary

What is a Copywriter? What is Copywriting?

A copywriter is someone who writes content intending to promote a product, service, or brand. This could be anything from blog posts and email marketing to adverts and TV commercials.

In other words, a copywriter is a wordsmith who crafts content online for websites or offline for catalogs, magazines, and more.

A good copywriter should be able to capture a brand’s voice and communicate its message clearly and concisely. Copywriters often work with art directors and other creative professionals to create ad campaigns that are both effective and visually appealing.

While some copywriters are employed by agencies, many freelance and work from home, offering more control over your schedule, salary, and personal freedom.

Lastly, while it does help, you don’t need to have a formal education as there are endless resources online to get started and learn copywriting skills.

How Much Does a Copywriter Earn?

Copywriters are typically paid by the project or by the hour. Project rates can vary widely, depending on the scope of the project and the client’s budget. Hourly rates usually fall in the range of $25-$100 per hour, but this can vary depending on the project and the client.

That’s not it.

Generally speaking, as a self-employed copywriter, you will be paid by the word. Suppose your rate is $0.15 per word; your rate will be $150 for 1,000 words.

So if you’re asked to write a 4,000-word blog post, you could get $600.

Some copywriters also work on a retainer basis, which means they are paid a set amount each month to produce a certain amount of content. This type of arrangement is more common with larger businesses or those who need a high volume of content on a regular basis.

In addition, you can also find a job as a copywriter.

In that case, according to Indeed, the average salary for a copywriter in the US is $53,544 per year. While this is a decent amount, some companies pay much more than that – For instance, Block pays its copywriters over $140,000 per year.

How To Become A Copywriter, how to be a copywriter, copywriting tips, copywriting career, copywriting skills, copywriter salary

Is It Worth Becoming a Copywriter?

The short answer is yes! The longer answer is… it depends. You should consider a few things before deciding if becoming a copywriter is the right move for you.

First, let’s look at the pros:

You can also make a decent living as a copywriter and becoming one can also be a great way to get your foot in the advertising and marketing industry door. If you want to eventually become an art director or creative director, a background in copywriting will give you a significant advantage.

On top of that, it’s a fast-evolving business. With software like Jasper AI being introduced to the market, it’s easier for content writers to create copies and, therefore, make more money freelancing. And with so many online businesses emerging, the demand is continuously increasing.

According to the number 1 freelance platform Upwork, being a copywriter is one of the best jobs to work remotely.

RELATED GUIDE: How to Use Upwork – Full Guide

But now, let’s look at the cons:

Copywriting can be a demanding job, both mentally and emotionally. You’ll need to be able to generate fresh ideas on a regular basis and deal with rejection when your ideas are not chosen.

It can also be a high-pressure job. Copywriters are often working on tight deadlines and may have to revise their work several times before it’s approved.

If you decide to freelance, you’ll need to be comfortable with managing your own time and finding new clients on a regular basis.

So, is it worth becoming a copywriter? If you have a passion for writing and don’t mind working under pressure, then the answer is probably yes. But if you’re looking for a laid-back job with no deadlines or rejections, then you might think twice.

READ MORE: Best Writing Tools You Need – Complete Guide

The Types of Copywriters

While writing content is all about research and words, there are several types of copywriters with different job descriptions and requirements.

Website Content

Web copywriters write the content that appears on websites. This can include the website’s “About Us” page, blog posts, product descriptions, and more.

The goal of web copywriting is to not only inform the reader but also to persuade them to take action. This might be anything from subscribing to a newsletter to making a purchase.

To be successful, web copywriters must have a strong understanding of SEO (search engine optimization) and how to write effective headlines, meta descriptions, and calls to action.

How To Become A Copywriter, how to be a copywriter, copywriting tips, copywriting career, copywriting skills, copywriter salary

Email Copywriting

Email marketing copywriters create email marketing campaigns, starting from the initial email to follow-up emails and automated messages.

Email marketing is an essential part of the marketing business as it helps build relationships with potential and current customers.

While it sounds easy, being an email marketing copywriter can be complex as you must understand how to write email subject lines that grab attention and how to structure emails in a way that is both visually appealing and easy to read.

B2B and B2C Copywriting

B2B copywriters create marketing materials for businesses that sell products or services to other businesses. B2C writers, on the other hand, create marketing materials for businesses that sell products or services to consumers.

Both types of copywriters need to be persuasive to achieve their objectives.

However, they often have different approaches. B2B copywriters typically use more technical language and focus on the features of the product or service. B2C copywriters often use more emotional language and focus on the benefits of the product or service.

Ad Copywriting

Copywriting is a crucial element of effective advertising, and it can make or break an ad campaign. Copywriters must be able to capture the attention of their audience and communicate a clear message in a limited amount of space.

This could be writing Facebook Ads, Google Ads, descriptions on podcast ads, social media posts, and more.

They must also be able to evoke emotion and encourage action very quickly. Ad copywriting is both an art and a science, and it takes practice and skill to master. However, with a little creativity and hard work, anyone can become a successful ad copywriter.

Video Script Copywriting

In a nutshell, video script copywriting is all about writing scripts for videos. This can include everything from explainer videos and product demos to training videos or simple YouTube vlogs.

Writing a video script is one of the most complicated tasks, and it’s not common to find a specialized copywriter in the field – unless he gets paid a lot.

As a video script copywriter, your job is to take the basic idea of the video and turn it into a compelling story that will engage viewers and keep them watching until the end. This means having a strong understanding of how to write for visual media and how to use various storytelling techniques to engage viewers.

Apart from that, the video script writer must create or follow the company’s tone of voice, approach, and techniques, and the visual elements that go into the footage.

If you’re just starting your copywriter career, then I wouldn’t recommend writing video scripts and, instead, focus on other tasks to become a master in the industry first.

What Skills Does a Copywriter Need?

To learn copywriting is only the first step – copywriters need to have a wide range of skills to succeed.

First and foremost, they need to be able to write clearly and concisely. They also need to be able to come up with creative and original ideas, and to present those ideas in an engaging way.

Secondly, as a copywriter, you need to have a good understanding of grammar and punctuation, as well as an ear for idiom and colloquialism. Additionally, you need to be able to work well under pressure and meet deadlines.

Lastly, you must have a good understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for website content and landing pages.

How To Become A Copywriter, how to be a copywriter, copywriting tips, copywriting career, copywriting skills, copywriter salary

What About Writer’s Block?

As any writer knows, the blank page can be a daunting sight. Faced with the pressure of coming up with something new and interesting, it’s not uncommon to feel like your creativity has dried up.

This feeling is often referred to as “writer’s block,” and it can be a major obstacle to productivity. While there’s no surefire cure for writer’s block, there are a few things that can help.

And the best one for me is using Jasper AI, a software that totally removes writer’s block, allowing you to craft content easily. While you still need to be creative and express your own ideas, Jasper takes it to the next level and writes amazing content for you.

And for only $59 a month, you’ll become a pro in no time.

Of course, to overcome writer’s block, you’ll have to take some time away from work and be patient. But when using Jasper, you won’t need to get another break ever again.

Try it out, they have a free trial.

How To Become A Copywriter, how to be a copywriter, copywriting tips, copywriting career, copywriting skills, copywriter salary

Employee Vs Freelance Writer

There’s no denying that a good copywriter can be a valuable asset to any business. After all, copy is what sells products and convinces customers to take action. But there are pros and cons to both options – employee and be your own boss.

Both career paths are similar when starting, but ultimately the end result is very much different from one another.

As an employee copywriter, you’re more likely to be invested in the company you work for and its success. You’re also more likely to be familiar with the brand voice and style guidelines over time.

On the other hand, as a freelance copywriter, you could get paid more and be more flexible with your time, but you will probably not have the same level of commitment to the company.

Also, working for a company is more stable, and freelancers constantly have to find new clients, which is the trickier part.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to what’s best for you and your needs. If you need more control over your schedule and salary, being a freelancer may be the way to go. But if you want a more stable role, then being an employee is the right path.

How To Become a Copywriter

It’s not easy to become a copywriter. You need to have great writing skills, know how to capture your audience’s attention, and be able to write persuasively. But if you’re up for the challenge, there are many ways to improve your skills and make yourself a better copywriter.

Here everything you need to know on how to become a copywriter.

Learn How to Write a Persuasive Copy

Before you can start crafting effective copy, you need to understand the basics of persuasive writing and human psychology. Persuasive writing is all about using your words to convince your reader to take a particular course of action.

In order to do this, you’ll need to master the art of persuasion. There are a few key techniques that all persuasive writers use, and once you’ve learned them, you’ll be well on your way to success.

Some of the most important techniques include using strong language, making emotional appeals, and creating a sense of urgency. If you can master these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful copywriter.

The best resources to learn persuation are:

Improve Your Copywriting Skills

Now that you know the basics to start your copywriting career, you should improve your skills. There are a number of ways to learn about copywriting, including taking classes, reading books, and attending workshops.

I personally recommend Udemy, a fantastic platform with online courses that allow you to follow experienced coaches and become a master quickly.

Skillshare is a great alternative, although they won’t give you a certificate to add to your resume, as opposed to Udemy. But, they’re a great way to secure a copywriting course and take your skills to the next level.

Learn the Basics of SEO

If you want to learn how to become a copywriter, step 3 is to learn the basics of SEO.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of making your website and content more visible to people who are using search engines like Google or Bing. While there are a lot of complex algorithms that go into SEO, there are also a few simple things that you can do to make your website more visible.

For example, one thing you can do is to use keywords throughout your website and in your titles and descriptions. This will help search engines understand what your website is about and make it more likely to show up in relevant searches. Another thing you can do is to create backlinks, which are links from other websites to yours. Backlinks help to improve your website’s authority and can also improve your rankings in search results. So if you’re looking to learn how to become a copywriter, step 3 is to learn the basics of SEO.

The most important parts of SEO when it comes to content writing are:

  • Links
  • Keyword Density
  • Meta Information
  • Keyword Research
  • Headings and Subheadings

I particularly like Ahrefs’ course about content marketing – free, easy to follow, and good enough when starting as a copywriter.

Define Your Niche

One way to stand out as a copywriter is to find a niche. This could involve specializing in a certain industry or type of copywriting, such as web copywriting or direct mail marketing.

Or you could specialize in technical topics (and get paid a lot) or in more common ones such as travel or digital marketing. All niches have their pros and cons and difficulty level, but that all depends on you and what you’re capable of.

By focusing on a specific area, you’ll be able to develop deeper knowledge and expertise that will make you more valuable to potential clients.

That being said, a self-employed copywriter will often have to be familiar with several industries, as finding clients in your field only could be pretty challenging.

Create a Portfolio

Having a copywriting portfolio is a great way to show off your skills and attract new clients.

But what should you include in your portfolio? Well, that depends on the kind of copywriting you do.

For example, if you’re a web copywriter, you might want to include website landing pages, email campaigns, and sales pages. If you’re a print copywriter, you might want to include direct mail pieces, brochures, and magazine ads.

And for freelance copywriters, make sure your portfolio includes a variety of work in different industries to get as much traction as possible. No matter what kind of copywriting you do, though, there are a few basics that every good portfolio should have.

First, make sure your portfolio is up-to-date with your latest work. Second, use strong visuals to showcase your work; after all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

And third, organize your portfolio in an easily navigable way so potential clients can quickly find the type of work they’re looking for.

Obviously, you will also want to advertise your copywriting services and go through all the topics you can write about.

Find a Copywriter Job

Now that you’ve established your copywriting portfolio and know how to become a copywriter, it’s time to get down to it and find a job.

There are endless opportunities on the market as the demand is constantly increasing, so you could start by checking your local job board or sending an email or a LinkedIn message to advertising agencies (after all, you’re a writer now, show them what you got.)

Alternatively, you could find a remote job. Likewise, for offline jobs, you’ll find several platforms online to connect with employers and recruiters.

And once you’re invited for an interview, prepare a few samples to practice and get ready to blow their minds. Whether it’s a sales copy, a writing copy like a blog post, or email copywriting, getting ready is always a good idea.

If you don’t know where to start, I recommend trying Jasper AI, it will give you the initial boost you need and you’ll end up making much more content than you planned to.

Where to Find a Copywriter Job?

There are many websites with a job board to find a remote job. Whether you’re a freelancer and want to work on gigs or looking for a full-time job online, these are the best platforms.

The best platforms to find an online copywriting job are:

  • Flexjobs
  • Remotive
  • OkRemote
  • Hubstaff Talent
  • We Work Remotely
  • LinkedIn Job Boards

Copywriting Tips

Copywriting is often seen as a dry and boring topic. But when you take a step back, you can make it incredibly interesting and nuanced. There are so many things to consider – from the tone of your writing to the choice of idioms.

Let me give you a few tips to get successful in the copywriting business or to kickstart your copywriting career.

Keep it Short and Sweet

When it comes to creative writing, especially sales letters or email campaigns, less is often more. Brevity is key when you’re trying to get your point across in a clear and concise way.

This doesn’t mean that you should sacrifice quality for quantity – just that you should focus on being as clear and concise as possible.

Make Sure it Flows

Another important aspect of copywriting is making sure that your text flows well. This means using proper grammar and punctuation, as well as ensuring that your sentences are properly constructed.

I highly recommend using Grammarly, a software that detect typos and basic errors (with the free version), and rewrite your sentence to make feel more engaging and ensure a better delivery (with the paid option).

Additionally, you should try to avoid using jargon or overly technical language.

Use Active Voice

You can have great copywriting skills, but using active voice in your writing copy will make it more engaging and easier to read. Active voice means that the subject of the sentence is doing the action, as opposed to the object of the sentence.

For example, “The dog chased the cat” is in active voice, while “The cat was chased by the dog” is in passive voice.

Most copywriters take time to master this part of the job but, once you know how to rephrase your sentences and use active voice, you’ll become a great copywriter with premium communication skills.

Use “You” Instead of “We”

When working for a marketing agency, it’s easy to fall into this trap and continuously using “we” instead of “you”.

However, if you want the readers to be more interested in your landing page copy or a general writing copy, you must get their attention, and this is exactly how.

By using “you”, you’ll get to talk to them and talk about what you are offering them – not only what you can offer. Successful copywriters always use this technique to attract readers and increase conversions.

A/B Test your Headlines

Being a skilled copywriter is one thing – becoming a six figure copywriter is another. And A/B testing your headlines, as well as your meta data, is a way to broaden your audience and, therefore, get more clients.

This means creating two different versions of a headline and seeing which one performs better. You can do this by looking at things like click-through rate or conversion rate. Headline A/B testing is an essential tool for any professional copywriter.

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This was everything you had to know on how to become a copywriter.

From learning copywriting to perfecting your copywriting skills to finding your first few clients, I’m sure you now have what it takes to become a copywriter.

And who knows, now that you are a professional copywriter, you may as well open your own copywriting business, be your own boss, or even write copywriting books one day!

Picture of Stefan


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Digital nomad working remotely in a coworking space from Da Nang Vietnam

Hi, I’m Stefan

Thanks for passing by. I’m a successful entrepreneur and digital nomad that’s been working and traveling for several years. I make money online, no matter where I am.
Find here the best tips to work online, be a successful freelancer, and much more.

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