My Life as a Digital Nomad Across 60 Countries

Imagine a life where the constraints of a traditional office are replaced by the boundless freedom of the globe. That’s the life I’ve been living for the past few years, and that many want to have.

From the vibrant markets of Chiang Mai, Thailand to the snow-capped mountains of Switzerland, each destination has been a chapter in my ever-evolving story.

Normally, this blog is about travel guides and tell you how to make it online working remotely. Today, I don’t have a travel guide for you. Rather, I’m here to share with you my incredible journey as a digital nomad.

Spoiler alert: It’s not all positive and beautiful, this is a real-life, honest story. My story as a digital nomad.

Journey of a Lifetime: My Digital Nomad Adventure

Picture this: a wide-eyed five-year-old setting foot on foreign soil for the first time. That was me. Since then, I’ve turned my passport into a colorful tapestry of over 60 countries across three continents. Each stamp tells a story, each destination a chapter in my life.

Growing up, my family instilled in me a love for exploration. We traveled whenever we could, and those experiences shaped my worldview.

By the time I was a teenager, I was already plotting my solo adventures. The thrill of discovering new cultures, meeting people from all walks of life, and tasting every imaginable cuisine – it wasn’t just a dream; it became my reality. Here are some important parts of my digital nomad life in 2024.


Embracing the Dualities: Adventure and Stability

Now, living as a digital nomad, I’ve learned it’s not just about hopping from one place to another. It’s about the delicate balance between the unknown and the comforting routine.

After 5 years of nomading, I became a master of negotiating – not just in markets and in informal situations for a good bargain but also in life.

Convincing a skeptical hostel owner to give me a better rate, or explaining my dietary preferences in a language I barely know, has become second nature. And it will for you too, if you decide to take the leap of faith.

Convincing a skeptical hostel owner to give me a better rate, or explaining my dietary preferences in a language I barely know, has become second nature to me. And it can become for you too, if you decide to take the leap of faith.

Also did anyone say independence? It’s my middle name now! Being a digital nomad is all about being resourceful, like that time I fixed a flat tire on a remote road in Spain or when I got lost the chaotic streets of Bangkok to find that perfect hidden café for my work.

It’s about being confident in my decisions, whether it’s choosing the next destination or tackling a challenge head-on.

Man posing and enjoying the views in Hai Van Pass in Da Nang

Building a Community on the Go

A bit of honesty here – Loneliness as a digital nomad is real. However, the nomad lifestyle doesn’t always have to be a solitary journey; it’s about the connections you make along the way.

In places like Chiang Mai or Barcelona, to name only a couple, there’s a buzzing community of digital nomads. That’s right – you’ll find a diverse bunch – some are startup geniuses, others are artists, writers, or just free spirits wandering the globe.

When I join meet ups, we share stories, collaborate on projects, and sometimes, we become each other’s makeshift families.

Creating this sense of community isn’t easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. It’s about finding common ground with people from all over the globe.

Other than meetups, many organize cultural exchange dinners, and even volunteer together. This network becomes a support system, a source of inspiration, and sometimes even lifelong friends.

Digital nomad working remotely from Da Nang Vietnam

Health Issues When Traveling

Oh boy. This is one part of nomading that barely anyone talks about.

This is the not-so-glamorous part of being a nomad. Health issues – And you’ll remember if that one situation happens to you. That one day in a Hong Kong hospital was eye-opening for me.

Traveling the world non-stop sounds like a dream, right? Well, mostly it is, but it comes with its share of challenges, especially when it comes to health. Let me share a bit about my experiences, which might not be what you typically see on glossy travel blogs.

I remember my health scare in Hong Kong. One day, out of the blue, I found myself in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors speaking a language I barely understood. Sure, many Hongkongers speak English, but in the whirl of a medical emergency, language can suddenly feel like an insurmountable barrier.

It was scary and isolating, but it taught me the importance of always being prepared for unexpected health issues while abroad. Luckily for me, it was just a one-off experience and I didn’t have any complications after that, but let me tell you, it was SCARY.

Then, there was my ordeal in Chiang Mai. After enjoying the city’s vibrant street food, I started experiencing some health issues. Initially brushed off as just traveler’s stomach, it turned out to be IBS.

Dealing with the healthcare system in a foreign country isn’t always easy, and it’s not only the language part. I had to visit three different hospitals and consult multiple doctors before getting a proper diagnosis.

The treatments varied, some helpful and others, frankly, painful. This experience highlighted the importance of having reliable health insurance as a nomad, and it underscored how crucial it is to be proactive about your health, even when you’re on the move.

I personally use SafetyWing and have been with them for years and I love everything about it, their policies, their customer support, and how universal they are. No matter if you’re in Asia or South America, in a remote town or metropolis, SafetyWing is always there for you, and they are one of my best friends – And I don’t say that lightly!

Being stuck in a hospital in Hong Kong

The Amazing Parts of Digital Nomadism

Where do I even begin? Imagine waking up to a new sunrise in a different part of the world every few weeks or months. One day, you’re sipping a frothy cappuccino in a quaint café in Rome, and the next, you’re typing away on your laptop overlooking the turquoise waters of the Thai islands.

It’s not just travel; it’s a series of endless adventures.

The freedom is unparalleled. You’re not chained to a 9-to-5 desk job or the same view outside your window. You could be in a hammock in Bali, a bustling coffee shop in Buenos Aires, or a beautiful park in Kyoto.

The world is literally your workspace. And with this freedom comes the power to design your day as you see fit. Want to start your day with a yoga session on the beach or a brisk walk through cobbled streets? Go for it. Prefer to work late into the night and explore during the day? That’s your call.

Then there’s the joy of meeting like-minded souls from every corner of the globe. Digital nomadism introduces you to a diverse community of fascinating individuals, each with their own incredible stories and insights. These aren’t just fleeting encounters; they often turn into profound friendships, business partnerships, or even lifelong connections.

That said, keep in mind that learning is constant in this lifestyle – Which I personally enjoy, but it might no be your cup of tea.

You learn to adapt to different cultures, pick up new languages, and adapt to various working environments. These experiences don’t just enhance your resume; they enrich your character, and I can totally see the difference after 5 years.

Talking about character, the cherry on top is the personal growth. You become more resilient, more adaptable, more open-minded. The challenges you face – be it a missed flight or a communication mishap – only serve to make you stronger and more capable.

In short, for anyone contemplating this lifestyle, I say: the world is waiting, and it’s more amazing than you can imagine.

The Reality Behind the Digital Nomad Glamour

It’s not only about health issues, let’s talk about the not-so-glamorous side of the digital nomad lifestyle. You’ve seen the Instagram posts – laptops on beaches, hammocks with a view, working from exotic locations. But the truth? That’s not our everyday reality.

Working on a beach sounds great until you try it – the glare on your screen, sand getting everywhere, not to mention the lack of power outlets!

And those pictures of working from a hammock? It’s a nice idea, but try typing in that position for more than ten minutes. These images are often staged for social media and don’t represent the practicalities of our daily work life.

Most of our work happens in cafes or coworking spaces – places designed for productivity. They are the unsung heroes of the digital nomad lifestyle, offering reliable Wi-Fi, power outlets, and an environment conducive to concentration.

And while this is considered the basics for many people, you have no idea how happy you’ll be to have a coworking space in a city where your Airbnb isn’t comfortable or the WiFi doesn’t work properly!

These spaces also serve as social hubs where we meet fellow nomads, exchange ideas, and sometimes, collaborate on projects.

Lastly, a note: Here’s a photo of me in Lucca, Italy, where I stayed for 3 weeks and barely made any of it as I was stuck in bed for 15 days due to gout.

What It’s Really Like to Be a Digital Nomad

Being a digital nomad is a blend of breathtaking highs and challenging lows, each playing a crucial role in the tapestry of nomadic living.

Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room: the unpredictable nature of this lifestyle. Sure, it’s thrilling to jet off to a new destination, but with that comes the uncertainty of living arrangements, finding reliable internet connections, and sometimes, dealing with visa issues.

Each new country is like a puzzle, and as a digital nomad, you’re constantly fitting pieces together to create that experience.

Then, there’s the aspect of work-life balance. It’s not always easy to draw the line between work and exploration. You might find yourself answering emails at midnight due to time zone differences or sacrificing a day of adventure to meet a tight deadline. This lifestyle demands discipline and the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Another important aspect is financial management, and it doesn’t matter if you visit a cheap country like Vietnam or head to the United States.

While the freedom to travel is liberating, it also means you’re responsible for every aspect of your life, from health insurance to retirement savings. Budgeting becomes your best friend, and you learn to make smart financial decisions that sustain your nomadic lifestyle.

Despite these challenges, the digital nomad life is incredibly rewarding. It’s about more than just the physical journey; it’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You develop a unique set of skills – problem-solving, adaptability, cross-cultural communication – that are invaluable in both your professional and personal life.

Ok, I guess I do work by the pool sometimes…

The Lessons I Learned

Through my travels, I’ve learned invaluable lessons. First and foremost, flexibility is key. Plans will change, flights will be missed, and Wi-Fi will fail at the most inconvenient times. Adaptability is not just a skill; it’s a necessity.

Communication is another crucial aspect. A smile and a friendly approach can go a long way, especially when there’s a language barrier. Learning a few phrases in the local language can make a world of difference in your interactions.

One of the biggest lessons? Always have a backup for your work. Whether it’s an extra hard drive or cloud storage, make sure you’re prepared for the unexpected. Technology can be fickle, and losing your work is a nightmare you don’t want to experience.


To those dreaming of a life of travel and work, I say – go for it. But remember, it’s not all glamorous destinations and perfect Instagram shots. It’s about embracing the unknown, dealing with the challenges head-on, and growing with every new experience.

To my fellow digital nomads, let’s continue to explore this beautiful planet, share our stories, and inspire others. Our journey is unique, filled with both challenges and triumphs, and that’s what makes it so rewarding.

Picture of Stefan

About Me

Digital Nomad traveling while working remotely
Man with outstretched arms overlooking a valley and river.

Hello, my name is Stefan!

Thanks for passing by. I’m here to show you the world and give you the best possible tricks on the places I’ve been.

Choose the destination, and go for the place you’re planning to go to know more!

Quick Overview

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Man enjoying and showing views of a beach in Thailand